
Gundo Ramugondo believes his football career is the beginning of no end unless God decides otherwise.

Gundo Ramugondo hails from Tshikhuni (Mphego) village located outside Thohoyandou. Born in 2001-20-12, the young man is focused and dedicated on making it big in the football space. He is best known as Gusba, currently playing for Casric Stars FC in the Motsepe Foundation Championship. Gundo grew up playing football in the streets, with a plastic made ball but that didn’t stop him from chasing his dream . He has played for many local teams and upon his arrival at Casric Stars FC, he was scouted from FC Basel and plays both left and right winger positions.

After having a conversation with him, Fhulufhelo Mudau managed to gather vital information about his football career.

Fhulufhelo: What drives you to become a better player?

Gundo: Football is my life and everything that makes me happy, so for me to be a better player, I give it my all to football so that I can be happy.

Fhulufhelo: Where do you wish to see yourself in the next 3-5 years?

Gundo: Playing in the Dstv Premiership.

Fhulufhelo: What would you say makes you different from other players?

Gundo: My hard work and discipline.

Fhulufhelo: Who is your role model?

Gundo: Sadio Mane

Fhulufhelo: What obstacles have you encountered in your football career, and how did you overcome them?

Gundo: Missing a penalty in the Champ of Champs play-offs, I made peace with it, and mostly getting the opportunity from Casric Fc made me overcome that in the best way.

Fhulufhelo: Who are your biggest supporters?

Gundo: My family and closest friends.

Fhulufhelo: Any advice you’d give to young players who want to make it to the top?

Gundo: Every moment you get, make sure it counts and use it wisely and chase your dreams, and listen to your elders.

Fhulufhelo: How has your experience as a footballer influenced how you live your life and carry yourself as a human being?

Gundo: It has influenced a lot as in football you meet different people and how you engage with them on and off the pitch must be different and mostly respect and patience is something that I’ve learned.

Fhulufhelo: Who is your favorite footballer, and why?

Gundo: Sadio Mane, because he is a hard worker and he gives it all on the field of play as well as in his home community he takes a good care of his people.

Fhulufhelo: How would your coaches and teammates describe you?

Gundo: The most hard-working and dedicated player.

Fhulufhelo: How do you keep your teammates feeling motivated and positive after a loss?

Gundo: Always being there for them and supporting them with no limits.

Fhulufhelo: Do you have any hobbies or interests besides football?

Gundo: Yes, playing drums is also one of my hobbies apart from football.

Fhulufhelo: How do you prefer to beat an opponent with speed, skill, or strength?

Gundo: I prefer to beat my opponent by speed and strength.

Fhulufhelo: What was your most unforgettable match, and why ?

Gundo: When we were playing against VFA because I put all my effort and we won the game 1-0.

Fhulufhelo: How do you see your involvement in soccer evolving after retirement from playing?

Gundo: I think it will be so helpful because at this moment I’m a living testimony and I’m also leaving a mark and as there are some young stars who adore me.

Fulufhelo: Is there a game that dramatically changed your career?

Gundo: Yes, the last game that I played for my former team made me challenge myself to go and fight for higher standard and at the end it did paid off as I’m at professional level now.

Fhulufhelo: Have you won any titles or awards, and which is the most meaningful to meaningful to you?

Gundo: I have and the most meaningful it was the one when we won Far Post tournament and I was top the goal scorer.

Fhulufhelo: What do you wish to achieve in the future through football?

Gundo: To get promotions for PSL division and also a national call-up.

Gundo vowed that he will not give up, and he will ensure that he gets better day by day in pursuit to achieve his goals, aims and ambitions.

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